RETRO. MUSICAL. Space Opera.
Fate brings a teenage alien and a waitress with broken musical dreams together for one unforgettable night on Earth. Starring synth-pop musician Ariana and the Rose and actor Bex Taylor-Klaus.
Breaking through the gender binary . Telling a human story.
The Film
During a routine cow abduction, Nebby, a rambunctious teenage alien, meets Ariana, a former singer turned waitress who yearns to branch out beyond the stars. In this sonic Space Opera, the two learn that sometimes you need someone out of your world to recognize the unique you.
Choose Your Destination
The Vision
Director Elia Petridis gives the alien lowdown on his artistic approach, celebrating inclusion and representation through storytelling, and crafting the film he’s always dreamed of making.
Wandering stars, we see you.
You are not alone.