Out of This World is a short film built around the song ‘Lonely Star’ by Ariana and the Rose. It tells the story of Nebby, a teenage Alien who escapes their spaceship to enjoy one night out on the planet they’ve been dying to visit: ours. On Earth they form a strong bond with Ariana, a former singer turned waitress stuck in the burbs at a lonely diner who yearns to branch out beyond the stars. During their dream night out the two learn that sometimes you need someone out of your world—or even out of your solar system—to recognize the unique you, and remind you that you are never alone.
The Cast
Ariana DiLorenzo, Ariana │ @arianaandtherose
Bex Taylor-Klaus, Nebby │ @bex_tk
Carrie Gibson, Adult Alien │ @carriegibsontheactor
Lorey Hayes, BeBe │ @lorey_hayes
The Crew
Elia Petridis, Director │ @elia_petridis
Marlene Lacasse, Creative Producer │ @latent_to_light
Kris Wynne, Producer │ @Kristopher_wynne
Kelsey Talton, Director of Photography │ @kelsography
Vada Briceno & Tyler Elich, Lighting Design │ @darthvb & @tylerelich
Ruy Folguera, Composer │ @ruyfolguera
Vanessa Plaza Lazo, Production Designer │ @Vaneplazalazo
Elias Martian & Orchid Satellite, Costume Designers │ @eliasblisters & @orchidsatellite
Ally McGillicuddy, Makeup Artist + Prosthetics │ @allydoesmakeup
Ben Miller, Supervising Producer
Bashir Taylor, 1st AD │ @Taylormade215
Ariana DiLorenzo - Ariana, Bex Taylor-Klaus - Nebby, Carrie Gibson - Adult Alien, Lorey Hayes - BeBe, Elia Petridis - Director, Marlene Lacasse - Creative Producer, Ruy Folguera - Score Composer, Orchid Satellite - Costume Designer, Elias Martian - Costume Designer, Vanessa Plazo Laza - Production Designer, Ben Miller - Supervising Producer, Kristopher Wynne - Producer, Doug Billitch - Line Producer, Jocelyn Johnson - Production Coordinator, Meg Greene - Production Liaison, Bashir Taylor - 1st AD, Terrence Kiriokos - 2nd AD, Stuart Heinlein - PA, Chad Lopez - PA, Deedee Thomas Deschanel - Key Set PA, Jackie Crawford - CCO, Deji Bankole - CCO Assist, Mike Smith - On Set Medic, Zach Craft - Script Supervisor, Kelsey Talton - Director of Photography, Quinton Rodriguez - 1st Assistant Camera, Jake Dugger - 2nd Assistant Camera, Greg Arch - Steadi / Camera Operator, Jamie Yu - DIT, Logan O'Barr - BBG, Christina Dunlap - Creative Consultant, Nick Durr - Lighting - CLT, Noah Kelly - Lighting - ACLT, Auston Mahan - Lighting - SLT, Neelix Ramirez - Lighting - SLT, Kevin Kim - Lighting - CLT, Bailey Clark - Lighting - ACLT, Clay Pacatte - Lighting - SLT, Rodolfo Martinez - Lighting - ACLT, Justin Roxbrough - Lighting - SLT, Chris Sol - Lighting - SLT, Erica Hayes - Lighting - Dimmer Board Op, Tyler Elich - Creative Lighting Producer, Vada Briceno - Associate Creative Lighting Producer, John Marovhich - Practical Lighting Designer, Erin Anderson - Lighting Programmer, Andy Wise - Master Electrician, Jim Darrell - Electrician, Mike Colleary - Electrician, Ligo Lopez - Electrician, Jake Reeder - Key Grip, Sam Joslyn - Company Grip, Charlie McGlinsky - Best Boy Grip, Omar Torres - SFX Foreman, Mason Kopeikin - Supervising Sound Editor, Michael Perricone - Sound Mixer, Natasha Wilson - Photography/Marketing, Sarah Maxwell - Startruck Poster Illustrator, Ally McGillicuddy - SFX Makeup, Malina Stearns - Makeup, Sasha Glasser - Makeup Assistant, Alexandra Tapia - Art Director, Travis Moelter - Set Decorator, Aldo Garcia - Set Dresser, Camila Pizarro - Prop Master, Adis Megerdichian - Props Consultant, Brando MacLure - Props Consultant, Andrew Hengl - Props Builder, Chelsea Pickens - Model Maker, Jonas Thorhallsson - Editor, Jakob Thorhallsson - VFX Supervisor, Michael Arcell - BTS, Daniel Kaplan - Social Media Director, Liz Kurtz - Publicity Intern, Tosha Johnson - Catering