Meet Bex Taylor-Klaus! (aka Nebby the Alien) 🖖

Director Elia Petridis (L), and AD Bashir Taylor by Michael Arcell

To have an out of this world space opera, you need an out of this world lead. Cue Bex Taylor-Klaus, who filled the intergalactic boots for our main alien role of Nebby. If you’ve been watching the silver screen lately, you’ve seen Bex. Their most recent roles include Pidge in Voltron, Hannah in Dumplin’, and Casey in 13 Reasons Why. They’ve been acting since their 2013 breakout role as The Killing’s Bullet which won them two Joey Awards. In our recent chat with Bex, they had a lot of advice and love to give our readers.

Thank you for sitting down with us! Out of This World is a film about a sudden connection between Nebby and Ariana, two complete strangers who share this wild journey together. Have you ever had an unforgettable experience with a stranger?

Yes, my wife was once a stranger with whom I had a strange beautiful connection! When we first met, we were just strangers on a short film shoot, and the minute I asked her if she believed in magic it felt like there was magic in the air. She’s not a stranger anymore though, so I hope that still counts!

It sure does! So what’s your favorite part about Nebby?

I love Nebby’s curiosity. They are fearless in their curiosity. Rather than just being intrigued by something, Nebby actively pursues it, even when it might be dangerous.

We could all use a little bit of Nebby’s fearlessness. You’ve been acting since your teens, so you’ve definitely needed that fearlessness in your career. The teenage years are a notoriously difficult time to find yourself. Do you have advice to give young people pursuing acting that you wish you’d been told?

Here are a few tips I tend to give out: 1. Develop a thick skin. This industry can be absolutely cruel and brutal! A seemingly endless string of “no” can easily beat you down if you can’t find your own internal cheerleader. Validation MUST come from within FIRST! 2. After each audition, pack all the thoughts about it up into an imaginary duffel bag and drop it at the door on your way out. Obsessing about it can eat you alive! Drop it, let it go, and move on so you can go onto your next thing without any hidden burdens. That way if/when they call you back you’re excited rather than just relieved. 3. Go do something nice for yourself. No, for real. Your real job is auditioning to get a job, so every time you audition for something, go get yourself a treat! Having your job be constantly job hunting is exhausting. Self-care has to be a priority. After an audition, go to the park, go on a walk, go snuggle a fuzzy creature, go try that thing you’ve been dreaming of, or just get a snack! Refill your heart and soul after a hard day. Treat yourself, no matter how small. 

When auditioning, what is something you look for in a role before taking it on?

Representation! Not just in the role and the script, but also in the production team. Representation, especially when done authentically, can be life-changing and life-saving. It’s important for everyone to have a voice and be able to see themselves. I’m also a sucker for a coming-of-age story.


Representation absolutely matters. So let’s talk more about the similarities between you and Nebby in Out of This World. You designed your own first tattoo and a tattoo for your character on The Killing. What kind of tattoo do you think Nebby would have?

Nebby would have a cow. Just a little one. Maybe a globe or the earth. I think Nebby would have several tattoos if given the opportunity. A cow, a globe, a guitar—specifically an electric guitar, and probably an ineffable science sort of thing—something someone far smarter than I would come up with. So at least 4 tattoos.

If you could have your own spaceship like Nebby, what galactic item would you want? What color would you make it? What galactic companion would you bring aboard?

Whatever it would be, it would be green with lavender accents. I would bring a galactic rabbit, and would probably have a bunch of space junk. I’d probably just collect space trash, honestly. I would be a space raccoon (with a space rabbit for a companion)! Note: this was composed while playing with a rabbit; creature answer subject to change.

It would definitely be nice to bring along a space rabbit for company. Who/what made you feel less alone during the pandemic?

My wife and my creatures!

Which planet would you like to explore? Hypothetically, of course

First of all, I’m insulted that ‘hypothetically’ is included in the question! I want to explore Pluto because it was slighted by NASA and I’m not over it.

What’s something you want to tell people who might watch Out of This World and feel alone or unseen in their life?

You’re not alone! I know it can feel like you are, but there’s at least one other person out there who feels you, who’s felt that way before as well. It’s possible to find your people, and once you have you won’t feel alone again. Know that you are loved—at least by me!—as you look for them.


Wondering how to take a film from page to script to screen? Follow along on our TikTok page where we’re capturing every step of the process (and having dance parties on set!).


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