How to hustle in the film world with 1st AD Bashir Taylor 📣
Behind every good Director is a great Assistant Director. Veteran and industry professional Bashir Taylor was Out of This World’s indispensable 1st AD, helping us work through all the hoops and roadblocks on set to make our space opera dreams come true. Managing personalities, set safety, shooting schedules, and dream shots can be a near impossible job, but Bashir makes it look easy. In our recent one on one, we got to cover topics related to filmmaking that our aspiring crewmembers might find valuable to read.
Hi Bashir! Thank you for sitting down with us, honestly we are a little starstruck! Besides working on numerous movies, you’ve also worked on music videos for popular artists like The Weeknd, Eminem, Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, K’naan, and more. What was different working on Out of This World compared to a normal music video or film?
To be honest, I never treated this project as a music video. The narrative was so good along with all the prep involved, it felt more like a feature. Which was great for me as an AD. It was more of a puzzle to figure out. I love that.
I love that you love that! As a 1st AD you’re concentrating on the planning and logistics of the shoot and managing all the other departments so the Director can focus their energy on creative decisions. It’s truly a difficult and invaluable job given all the moving parts. What do you think is the most important part of the Director/1st AD relationship, and how does that come out in your working relationship with Elia Petridis?
Great question. The Director/AD relationship can really make or break a shoot sometimes. We really have to be dialed in and on the same page when it comes to what we’re shooting and how we’re going about doing it. It’s my job to sometimes let a director know that what he wants is a little ambitious and we won’t have time for certain things but I usually like to give alternatives instead of just telling my director “No”. Unless it’s a safety issue then it’s cut and dry.
With Elia it’s not only a great working relationship but it’s also fun. Our dynamic has just clicked since day 1. He’s honestly one of the sharpest and more brilliant directors I’ve worked with. You really have to be prepared and understand what we’re shooting and what he wants or he runs laps around you. Lol. I love the fact that the crew likes watching our interaction on set. I truly believe it sets a tone for the entire crew and the shoot.
It totally does. So tell us, what are the main differences, besides the obvious ones, between working on a film shoot and a music video shoot?
Structure! This is by far no disrespect to the music video world or music video AD’s because it’s very challenging and also stressful at times dealing with artists and management, but the film world is more of a steady pace and the set etiquette is more structured and less loose. Also more rules are involved when it comes to film vs. music videos.
What do you wish more aspiring and veteran filmmakers understood about assistant directing in general?
One of the things I had to learn when I started was how do I know what questions to ask (scouting and shoot days) and when can I tell the director “no”. I was told to always just understand what you’re shooting. When you know the script or treatment like the back of your hand then the questions automatically come.
And always...SAFETY FIRST!
What advice would you give to young people wanting to get their first job on a real film or music video set?
Pay attention. Listen to the walkie. Hustle like you NEED work. Not just WANT work. Always introduce yourself to the 1st AD (if you’re pa’ing). Be early, not on time!
Working the set life I’m sure you’ve seen it all, but do you believe in aliens?
I do believe they exist. Funny thing is that before we started prep for this project I was seeing stories, videos, pictures etc. about aliens and UFO’s. Not sure if that was a sign or Elia purposely sending those things my way so I could be ready to shoot with him. Lol.
Want to learn more about the iconic diner where Out of This World was filmed? Check out the images below from films and TV shows shot at the Pink Motel, and visit our TikTok for more on the history behind the building!
Honeyboy (2019)
GLOW (2017-2019)
Grease 2 (1982)
CeeLo Green's Forget You Music Video (2010)
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